

1.根據氣象報導,下星期四將有一個颱風侵襲台灣。這個強烈颱風的報導一出來,全台立即陷入緊張的狀態。政府呼籲:2. 越早作好防颱準備,颱風所造成的損失就會越少。

  • 「根據」可以用下面兩種片語來開頭: 1. according to N. 2. in accordance with N.
  • 「侵襲」不要想得太難,直接用 hit就可以囉!
  1. According to the weather report, a typhoon is going to hit Taiwan next Thursday.


  • 題目是「越早……,越少……。」,所以是使用比較級「The earlier…, the less….」。
  • 「防颱準備」其實就是為了颱風準備,所以英文可以用「prepare for a typhoon」。
  • 第二句用主動或被動都可以,句構會不太一樣

2. The earlier you prepare for the typhoon, the less damage is caused by it.

The earlier you prepare for the typhoon, the less damage it causes.


3. Have you ever thought about spending a year abroad but unable to afford the expenses? Well, don’t worry! Working holidays can make your dream come true. 4.Young adults in Taiwan are now eligible for a working holiday visa to work in many countries. With this working holiday, you can earn some money and discover the local culture better. Are you ready for an adventure?

  • 「have you ever thought…」可翻作「你有沒有想過……」

3. 你有沒有曾經想過要在國外待一整年,但是沒有辦法負擔那些開銷呢?

  • 「young adults」 翻作「青年」,「teenagers」翻成「青少年」。

4. 臺灣青年現在有資格申請打工度假簽證在許多國家工作



About Aaron Stone

Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator / Google Certified Educator Level 1 / SDL Post Editing Certified Translator Level 1 / TESOL Certified Teacher / Cambridge TKT 3 Module Certificates / 經濟部國貿局會展專業人員認證(MOEA-BFT Certified MICE Professional) / 英文學習專頁「英文多一點」版主 http://fb.me/LearnMoreEnglish


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